photo by Jay Graham

We each have our own fingerprint in the kitchen.Some of us throw ingredients together with abandon while others measure everything down to the quarter teaspoon. No one’s favorite meal is exactly the same and each cook excels in something different. When we come together to make a meal however, we learn to honor our differences in pursuit of a common goal.

No matter your style, cooking is as essential to good health as the food itself. Lately, we’ve been opening up the kitchen during our food pantry hours for volunteer chefs to strut their stuffing (or in last week’s case, their Peruvian ceviche de pescado). Meanwhile, our Cooking Matters® class is back in session where teens are learning fundamental skills that will forever change their relationship to food. 

Cooking can be enjoyed by anyone with a few ingredients and a few skills, but sometimes access to either can be hard to come by. We’re working to break down barriers not only to food, but to the skills needed to make a healthy meal. Thank you to everyone who supports the act and art of cooking. 

With Gratitude,

Jeanne Liston, executive director

To read the full March Newsletter, please click here.


In our efforts to build community through food, we launched a community kitchen during food pantry hours. It seems sharing recipes and talking about food brings out the best in people. We have a small kitchen next to the waiting area that we turn over to volunteers who take the lead and make a communal meal for everyone who comes in to fill a grocery cart.

Last week, head chefs Teo, Denice, Nelly, and Norma made ceviche de pescado con camotes, papa y lechuga romana.

Needless to say, there were no leftovers. Thank you, ladies for sharing your heart and talent to build community through food!

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