July Newsletter 2018

  • July 17, 2018

What does food mean to you? For all of us, food means survival and for many, great joy. It’s essential to good health and connects us as people. It’s beautiful in its simplicity and yet, the issues surrounding food are maddeningly complex. The underlying causes of hunger go beyond an

June Newsletter

  • June 29, 2018

Change is an essential part of life. It makes way for growth and challenges us to adapt. It is as beautiful as the seasons and as important as human rights victories. The process can be uncomfortable at times but nevertheless, we change in order to move forward.  The Hunger Coalition’s transformation began with

May Newsletter

  • June 28, 2018

Community voices can only drive change if someone is listening. We’ve made a special point to pause and listen this year and what we’ve heard has shaped our world. We are listening closely and sharing resources so participants can build the community they envision. Not only have folks who access food helped shape our message, advocacy