Rachel Shinn

Director of People and Culture


My job as HR Manager is (actually, really, I promise) super fun because I get to support the innovative, fun-loving, community-oriented subculture of Blaine County known as The Hunger Coalition Staff. They just wake up every day and have the energy to be like: okay, yeah, let’s change the world. It’s exhausting and wonderful and inspiring. [Eye Roll transitioning into affectionate smile emoji.] And that means I get to be multiple things in one: anthropologist/social worker/QC police/culture builder/activist/policy writer/experimenter. (No offense to the people who are actually professionals in those fields, though.)

What’s your vision for a healthier Blaine County?

If Kindness were to win over Greed every time, I think we would be out of work. 

Best meal you’ve made with produce from Bloom or Hope (recipes much appreciated!)?

Radish Green Pesto: a blender loosely to moderately full of radish greens, juice from a lemon, 1/3 cup “or as juicy and fatty and rich as you want to make it amount of” olive oil, a few generous handfuls of almond slivers or other nuts, 2 cloves of garlic (or more if you have literally lived more than 10 years and your taste buds can only detect garlic at an alarmingly high concentration) I skip the salt. Hint from the chef: Try EVERY SINGLE variation of pesto and I doubt you’ll regret it.

What do you love most about our community?

I love that I can wear my pajamas to the grocery store and that I haven’t had to wear heels for 11 years. But I still do when I feel fancy and want people to wonder what it is I might be getting up to (I’m just gonna go home and watch my dog watch me watch my garden grow, but for all they know, it’s a night at the Hailey Opera House.)

Flavorite Food Pun….

Have you ever tried to eat a clock?  It’s very time consuming. I donut think I understand puns.