Megan Schooley

Youth and Advocacy Manager


I pretty much have the best job ever. I get to work with our inspiring, brilliant Bloom Youth Project interns. We grow food at the farm, help out at food distributions, run affordable mobile markets, share meals, set goals, learn life skills and build healthy relationships with each other. I also work with a rad team of people to help The Hunger Coalition advocate for food and social justice in our community. 

What does food justice mean to you?

All humans have a right to grow, sell, buy and eat food that feeds their bodies and souls. Food justice is rooted in equity, community, and cultural vibrancy, and addresses the structural barriers to food access. It manifests in communities in so many unique and colorful ways!

Favorite snack from Bloom Community Farm or The Hope Garden? 

Carrots or snap peas. Nom nom nom.

As a kid, what did you think you were going to be when you grew up?

As a kid, I was pretty positive I was going to be a veterinarian or photographer for National Geographic. I also thought I’d probably end up romping around the wilderness living off the land with a pack of wolves or something, so I guess I still have some work to do.