Maryanna is proud of Bloom Community Farm. “When we first started, this was all weeds and dirt,” she grins. As she talks, the sweeping rows of cabbage, kale, carrots, beets, onions, tomatoes, and peppers illustrate how much she’s growing.

Prior to her Bloom Youth Project internship, Maryanna’s family was featured in our Food for Thought story series. Her mother worked up to 70 hours a week and was still unable to provide healthy meals that would ease the family’s health challenges. With a shoulder surgery and Maryanna’s scoliosis, the medical bills were unrelenting.

Three years later, their story has changed.  Because she’s a Bloom Youth intern, Maryanna’s learned to grow her own fruits and vegetables and use them in healthy meals she now makes for her family. Together, she and her mom are tending their own garden. Maryanna is especially excited to share the tricks to harvesting hard-to-grow-in-Idaho tomatoes.

All of that work in the dirt and farm fresh food make a difference. She reports, “I feel stronger now and the doctor said I don’t have to wear my back brace as much.” 

The intern’s next chapter is exciting. She recently signed on with a talent agency to pursue her dreams of acting. She credits Bloom Youth Project skill-building workshops for her improved confidence and communication skills that naturally lend themselves to her theatrical pursuits.

Your generosity turned the page so Maryanna and her family could live healthier, happier lives.

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