Pronouns: She/Her
What’s your role/what do you do @ THC?
I coordinate everything that happens in the community kitchen from hosting cooking classes, to cooking the weekly community meal, to renting out the space to community partners, and lots more!
Good food is…
Good food is nourishing to the body, soul, and to the wider community and environment.
Best meal you’ve made with produce from Bloom or Hope (recipes much appreciated!)?
This summer we made french bread pizza with tomatoes, basil, and peppers from the greenhouse! We just cut a loaf of french bread in half, spread pizza sauce on it, sprinkled on cheese, peppers, and basil and baked it for 8 minutes. When it came out we topped it with slices of fresh tomato and a leaf of fresh basil! We also served it with a salad made from kale and kohlrabi from the garden plus carrots and purple cabbage. It was a beautiful meal and super delicious because the ingredients were so fresh!
Favorite place to adventure i.e. favorite fishing hole, hike, lake, etc.?
Even though it’s cliche and crowded these days, Redfish Lake is one of my most favorite places on earth and being there always replenishes my soul. Growing up in Stanley, I went there almost weekly as a kid, and even got married there!