*photos by Bekka Mongeau

Lynea Petty, food production manager, shares some tips and tricks for gardening in the mountains in May.

Well it sure got hot fast! We are about two weeks ahead on our planting schedule. We still need to watch for frost, but it sure has been satisfying to harvest first arugula leaves and radishes. However, the heat has given weeds and grasshoppers a head start, so we’re taking precautions to cover plants extra well against those hungry buggers, and to get on top of weeds. We also have seen flea beetles already, so keep your arugula, radish, bok choi, etc. covered with cloth from the moment of seeding! Here is what we are up to this month: (see resource list below)*DS = directly seeding into the soil; TP – transplanting from a tray begun in the greenhouse

Week of May 4: Water your garlic. Harvest your asparagus and rhubarb.  Greenhouse/Indoor seeding:  head lettuces, cucumbers (Marketmore, General Lee), green onions (white spear), Outdoor seeding and transplanting: turnips DS (hakurei), arugula DS(astro), lettuce DS(all star), bok choi DS(asian delight), Kale DS(red russian, baby style), carrots DS (mokum), beets DS & TP(red ace, chioggia), radishes DS(along edges of transplanted cabbages), cabbage TP(minuet, red express, omero, tiara, etc.), broccoli TP (gypsy), kale TP(red bor, winterbor), chard TP(bright lights)

Week of May 11: continue to harvest asparagus and rhubarb Greenhouse/indoor seeding: cilantro, basil (genovese), summer squash (raven, zephyr), winter squash (delicata, carnival, honey bear acorn) Outdoor seeding and transplanting: radish DS, green onions TP, cilantro DS & TP, kohlrabi DS & TP, head lettuce TP, parsley TP  

Week of May 18: continue preparing soil where you will plant next (like where your tomatoes and peppers will go)Greenhouse/indoor seeding: head lettuce, cucumbers, green onions     Outdoor seeding and transplanting:  arugula DS, Lettuce DS, tomatoes and peppers TP if you have a hoop house or protected area – very weather dependent!!!

Week of May 25: continue preparing soil where you will plant nextGreenhouse/indoor seeding: cabbage, broccoli, green onionsOutdoor seeding and transplanting: radish DS, green onions TP, cilantro DS, bok choi DS, carrots DS, cabbage TP, broccoli TP, head lettuce TP

Looking ahead to June: have these seeds ready to start: summer squash, green onions, kale, chard, beets, cilantro, head lettuce, kohlrabi

Where to find resources: Compost – Winn’s Compost. Sun Valley Garden Center. We buy in bulkFertilizer – all can be ordered online, some can be purchased locally at garden stores; and garden stores are also happy to order it in for you specifically. Organic pelleted chicken manure: https://www.therichlawncompany.com/richlawn-5-3-2-organic/ ; Bat Guano: https://concentratesnw.com/catalog/soil-amendments/ferts/44-8-3-1-planb-hi-n-bat-guano/; Alfalfa meal: https://concentratesnw.com/catalog/soil-amendments/ferts/40-org-alfalfa-meal/

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