Donor Honor Roll

  • June 23, 2020

Radical change is only possible with the support of our community. Thank you to the following donors who are investing in a stronger foundation and a more food secure future for local families. We are tremendously proud of our Board of Director’s collective commitment at the $1,000,000 level. $1,500,000+

COVID-19 Emergency Response Donors

  • May 27, 2020

Since the COVID-19 outbreak hit town and increased the need for emergency food threefold, you stepped up to ensure everyone in our community has the food they need to persevere. A million times thanks to the businesses, individuals, and groups who have donated to our emergency response. *COVID-19 Gifts

2019 Goals Achieved

  • February 4, 2020

The Hunger Coalition’s 2019 Annual Goals Access Increase Food Access to 20% of the Blaine County population or 4,000 people, ensuring everyone has access to the healthy food they deserve.  (FINAL:  4,044 people) Work with partners and schools to provide 25 safe, stigma-free access points of healthy food through

Empty Bowls Full Again

  • January 31, 2020

What an enjoya-bowl afternoon — thanks to everyone who turned out to this year’s Empty Bowls luncheon and helped raise a record $8,710! There’s just nothing sweeter than the coming together of good food, good art, and good people on behalf of a good cause. Thank you to all of the

From the Field: February

  • January 31, 2020

The holidays are past, but I feel similar anticipation as we await spring and make wish lists of plants we’d like to grow. This month, we ordered seeds for both the Bloom Farm and the Hope Garden. We mostly order from Johnny’s Selected Seeds, and the occasional item from

2020 Goals

  • January 30, 2020

The Hunger Coalition’s 2020 Annual Goals Access Provide Food Access to 18% of the Blaine County population or 4,000 people, ensuring everyone has access to the healthy food they deserve.  Work with partners and schools to provide 25 safe, stigma-free access points of healthy food through our Children’s Food

Empty Bowls 2020

  • January 10, 2020

We hope to see you at the 10th annual Empty Bowls event to enjoy great food and great art on behalf of The Hunger Coalition. Purchase a handmade ceramic bowl for $20 (or $10 for children 10 and under) and fill it with generous helpings of soup, chili, salad,

World Premiere: The Power of Good Food

  • December 5, 2019

Watch the world premiere of the video below and make a gift to join Jeff, Vicki, and Tania as they lead us into the future of food security. If you give today, your gift will be doubled by the Heart of Gold – SPUR Community Foundation! 1 in 3

Big News: Bloom to Flower in 2021

  • November 15, 2019

In November 2019, The Hunger Coalition purchased a property where together, we will build a bold, new solution to hunger.  We’re moving across the street from our current headquarters into a 13,000 sf building on four acres; a place where someday people from all walks of life can engage

June Newsletter

  • June 24, 2019

Dear Friends, With June comes the start of our favorite programs: programs designed not only to distribute food, but to bring us together as neighbors. To blur the lines between our backgrounds and bank accounts and unite us over the shared joy of delicious meals. Lately, we’ve been learning how we