Garden Appreciation Party!

  • September 17, 2018

Join us Tuesday for a fun night at The Hope Garden! You are instrumental to the local food justice movement. Please join us so we can tip our hat to you for all that you do to ensure everyone in our community has access to good food. Enjoy snacks,

Fiesta de Agradecimiento de Jardín

  • September 17, 2018

¡Acompañenos el martes para una noche divertida en el jardín Hope! Eres fundamental para el movimiento local de justicia alimentaria. Por favor acompaños para brindarle nuestro agradacimiento por todo lo que hace para asegurar que todos en nuestra comunidad tengan acceso a buena comida. Disfrute de aperitivos, bebidas (cerveza

August Newsletter

  • August 24, 2018

You can’t throw food at hunger and expect poverty to disappear. The Hunger Coalition has re-imagined the solution to food insecurity to reach further than the traditional food assistance model – one where a box of macaroni is expected to cure complex societal ills. One glaring ill is the injustice faced by

Boletín de Agosto 2018

  • August 24, 2018

No puedes tirarle comida al hambre y esperar a que la pobreza desaparezca. El Hunger Coalition ha re-imaginado la solución a la inseguridad de comida para llegar más lejos que el modelo tradicional de asistencia de comida-donde se espera que una caja de macarrones cure complejos sociales malos. Un

Boletín de Julio de 2018

  • July 17, 2018

¿Qué significa la comida para usted? Para todos nosotros, el alimento significa supervivencia y para muchos, gran alegría. Es esencial para la buena salud y nos conecta como personas. Es hermoso en su simplicidad y sin embargo, los problemas que rodean la comida son extremadamente complejos. Las causas subyacentes

July Newsletter 2018

  • July 17, 2018

What does food mean to you? For all of us, food means survival and for many, great joy. It’s essential to good health and connects us as people. It’s beautiful in its simplicity and yet, the issues surrounding food are maddeningly complex. The underlying causes of hunger go beyond an

Robin DiAngelo, PhD September 12 & 13

  • June 29, 2018

A coalition of local nonprofits is pleased to present… An extraordinary opportunity for our community to come together and talk about racism as it relates to each of us and the role we might play in the problem. A coalition of local organizations and schools in Blaine County have

June Newsletter

  • June 29, 2018

Change is an essential part of life. It makes way for growth and challenges us to adapt. It is as beautiful as the seasons and as important as human rights victories. The process can be uncomfortable at times but nevertheless, we change in order to move forward.  The Hunger Coalition’s transformation began with

The Community Food Assessment

  • June 29, 2018

In 2015, we conducted a thorough investigation of food in Blaine County. Learn more in the following report: [googlepdf url=”” ] [googlepdf url=”” ]