From the Field: June

  • June 3, 2020

Lynea Petty, food production manager, shares Bloom Community Farm progress and how to prepare for the summer ahead. Hopefully you are enjoying a few fresh veggies from your gardens; we are! Arugula, mixed lettuce, baby turnips, radishes, baby bok choy, and green onions should all be complimenting your still

COVID-19 Emergency Response Donors

  • May 27, 2020

Since the COVID-19 outbreak hit town and increased the need for emergency food threefold, you stepped up to ensure everyone in our community has the food they need to persevere. A million times thanks to the businesses, individuals, and groups who have donated to our emergency response. *COVID-19 Gifts

From the Field: May

  • May 13, 2020

Lynea Petty, food production manager, shares some tips and tricks for gardening in the mountains in May. Well it sure got hot fast! We are about two weeks ahead on our planting schedule. We still need to watch for frost, but it sure has been satisfying to harvest first

From the Field: April

  • April 10, 2020

Lynea Petty, food production manager, and our farm team have been hard at work to ensure The Hunger Coalition will still be able to provide harvest fresh food to local families this summer despite the COVID-19 outbreak. She shares her wisdom below to help us all cultivate a healthy harvest this year. From

Social Distancing Measures

  • March 25, 2020

DISTANCE MAKES THE HEART GROW FONDER If we are to see this crisis through and keep providing food for vulnerable families in Blaine County, everyone needs to do their part in staying safe, healthy, and eliminating risk for our neighbors. The Hunger Coalition is committed to taking every measure possible

Nutrition Rollback Opposition

  • March 6, 2020

The Hunger Coalition Opposes Proposed Federal Rule to Roll Back Nutrition Standards Bellevue, Idaho, March 6, 2020 — The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has issued a proposed regulation that would rollback important aspects of the current school meal nutrition standards and significantly unravel the progress made under the

From the Field: March

  • March 4, 2020

By Lynea Petty, food production manager We are itching to begin plant starts this month! Here is what we will do each week, and remember to start about 15-20% more seed than you want. Reminder – all of the seeds this month will be seeded in soil (trays, pots, etc.)

2019 Goals Achieved

  • February 4, 2020

The Hunger Coalition’s 2019 Annual Goals Access Increase Food Access to 20% of the Blaine County population or 4,000 people, ensuring everyone has access to the healthy food they deserve.  (FINAL:  4,044 people) Work with partners and schools to provide 25 safe, stigma-free access points of healthy food through

Empty Bowls Full Again

  • January 31, 2020

What an enjoya-bowl afternoon — thanks to everyone who turned out to this year’s Empty Bowls luncheon and helped raise a record $8,710! There’s just nothing sweeter than the coming together of good food, good art, and good people on behalf of a good cause. Thank you to all of the

From the Field: February

  • January 31, 2020

The holidays are past, but I feel similar anticipation as we await spring and make wish lists of plants we’d like to grow. This month, we ordered seeds for both the Bloom Farm and the Hope Garden. We mostly order from Johnny’s Selected Seeds, and the occasional item from