2019 Goals

  • February 7, 2019

Big goals are our North Star. Goals help turn our wildest dreams into action to ensure we have a lasting impact on our community.  Check out our goals and accomplishments for 2019!  Access Increase Food Access to 20% of the Blaine County population or 4,000 people, ensuring everyone has access to the healthy food they deserve. 

Empty Bowls Full Again

  • February 7, 2019

What an incredi-bowl success! 300 people turned out to Empty Bowls and raised $6,670 to start 2019 on the right foot – one that’s moving toward food justice in Blaine County. Thank you to all of the volunteers, attendees, and to Boulder Mountain Clayworks and Presbyterian Church of the Big Wood, as well as the following restaurants and

Empty Bowls

  • January 14, 2019

Join us for the 9th Annual Empty Bowls Event on Sunday, January 20th. Boulder Mountain Clayworks, The Hunger Coalition, and the Presbyterian Church of the Big Wood are hosting the 9th Annual Empty Bowls event on Sunday, January 20 from 12 noon – 2 pm at the Presbyterian Church

Top 10 Ways You Made a Difference in 2018

  • January 10, 2019

2018 was a pivotal year in the food justice movement. We’re thrilled to present the top 10 ways you helped move our community toward a healthier, happier tomorrow. None of this work, these happy stories, or encouraging stats would be possible without the generosity of our donors. You answered our


  • December 25, 2018

ISSUED: December 17, 2018 At The Hunger Coalition, our mission is to build a healthy community through access to good food and address the root causes of food insecurity in collaboration with key partners. In support of our mission and on behalf of the community we serve, The Hunger

Rebekah’s Story

  • December 20, 2018

When we first heard about Bloom, we were excited to try it out. Bloom Truck has a fun learning activity in addition to food and books every week and my kids just love that. What I love most about the program is The Hunger Coalition grows all the vegetables

Teo’s Story

  • December 10, 2018

 Teo’s story is of roots, of rock, and of resilience. This tale of courage and determination against all odds will renew your faith in humanity and make you wanna hold your loved ones a little closer. With the help of good food and the places where good food

Statement on Proposed Public Charge Rules

  • December 4, 2018

The mission of The Hunger Coalition is to build a healthy community through access to good food and address the root causes of food insecurity in collaboration with key partners.  The Hunger Coalition is very concerned that the Trump Administration has proposed substantial changes to longstanding “public charge” rules

Boletín de Noviembre de 2018

  • November 17, 2018

En una comunidad tan cercana en Proximidad como en espíritu, compartimos el compromiso de cuidarnos unos a otros. Este sentido de comunidad compartida por la gente del Condado de Blaine es especialmente importante cuando las cosas se ponen difíciles. Debido a retos como el alto costo de vida en

November Newsletter 2018

  • November 17, 2018

  In a community as close in proximity as we are in spirit, we share a commitment to look out for one another. This sense of community shared by the people of Blaine County is especially important when the going gets tough. Because of challenges like the high cost of living