World Premiere: The Power of Good Food

  • December 5, 2019

Watch the world premiere of the video below and make a gift to join Jeff, Vicki, and Tania as they lead us into the future of food security. If you give today, your gift will be doubled by the Heart of Gold – SPUR Community Foundation! 1 in 3

Big News: Bloom to Flower in 2021

  • November 15, 2019

In November 2019, The Hunger Coalition purchased a property where together, we will build a bold, new solution to hunger.  We’re moving across the street from our current headquarters into a 13,000 sf building on four acres; a place where someday people from all walks of life can engage

Farm Potluck

  • October 11, 2019

The great Bekka Mongeau captured the festivities at our potluck party last month. Thank you Bekka and to everyone who turned out to celebrate our progress and look to the road ahead.

August Newsletter

  • August 17, 2019

Dear Friends, With just two weeks and $3,783 left in our $50,000 Matching Gift Challenge, we need you.  Our community is up against the odds. We have the eighth highest food costs in the nation, the ninth greatest wealth inequality, and wages have actually dropped in the last 10 years when

June Newsletter

  • June 24, 2019

Dear Friends, With June comes the start of our favorite programs: programs designed not only to distribute food, but to bring us together as neighbors. To blur the lines between our backgrounds and bank accounts and unite us over the shared joy of delicious meals. Lately, we’ve been learning how we

Historia de Maryanna

  • June 23, 2019

Maryanna está orgullosa de la Granja Comunitaria Bloom. “Cuando comenzamos, esto era pura yerba y tierra”, sonríe. Mientras habla, las filas de repollo, col rizada, zanahorias, remolachas, cebollas, tomates y pimientos ilustra cuanto ella esta creciendo. Antes de su pasantía en Bloom Youth Project, la familia de Maryanna apareció

March Newsletter

  • March 15, 2019

We each have our own fingerprint in the kitchen.Some of us throw ingredients together with abandon while others measure everything down to the quarter teaspoon. No one’s favorite meal is exactly the same and each cook excels in something different. When we come together to make a meal however, we

Boletín de Febrero

  • February 8, 2019

Lo que la cocina significa para nosotros varía de persona a persona, de lugar a lugar. El mes pasado, nuestros amigos del Sun Valley Center for the Arts nos inspiraron para reflexionar sobre nuestra experiencia en la cocina como parte De su exposición de Cocina como hogar. La cocina

February Newsletter

  • February 8, 2019

  What the kitchen means to us varies from person to person, place to place. Last month, our friends at the Sun Valley Center for the Arts inspired us to reflect on our experience in the kitchen as a part of their Kitchen as Home Exhibit. The kitchen is a loaded

Metas 2019

  • February 7, 2019

La estrella que nos guían son nuestras metas grandes. Las metas ayudan a transformar nuestros sueños ambiciosos en acción para asegurar que tengan un impacto que perdure en nuestra comunidad. Mire nuestras metas para 2019 y unase con nosotros para lograr todo lo que nos proponemos hacer.   Acceso