Donate food to help fill the shelves of our food pantry by organizing a food drive, sharing food in one of the Bloom Bins located around town, or drop off your abundance at our headquarters: 110 Honeysuckle Street in Bellevue. Please give us a call at 788-0121 for more information.


Help us burst a bin!  Next time you’re shopping at Albertsons, Atkinsons’ Markets, or Village Market pick up a few extra non-perishable items and drop them in our Bloom Bins. Here’s a shopping list of the top 10 food items needed.

Organize a food drive or take part in one and support the many local groups that strive to keep our shelves stocked. Drop off your extra perishable and non-perishable items at our warehouse in Bellevue.  Please call ahead to arrange a time.

Collect unused or unopened foods leftover from your next event and deliver them to our warehouse.

Purchase a Stop Hunger Card at Albertsons or Atkinsons’ Markets to make sure your dollar gets the most bang for its buck.  This allows us to use our purchasing power to ensure nutritious foods and staple items in our food lines.

bloom bin


Are you a big game hunter?  Donate some of your bounty to help us stock the protein section.  Call us for more information on processing instructions and acceptable game.

Gleaning Program – Let us harvest extra fruits from your trees.  Our volunteers will gladly pick apples, pears, apricots, and plums to help us provide fresh fruit to our clients.

Grow A Row – If you have a home garden bursting with extra goodies, we’d be happy to distribute them at our Mobile Food Banks.