Big goals are our North Star. Goals help turn our wildest dreams into action to ensure we have a lasting impact on our community.  Check out our goals and accomplishments for 2019! 


  1. Increase Food Access to 20% of the Blaine County population or 4,000 people, ensuring everyone has access to the healthy food they deserve.  (FINAL: 4,044 people)
  2. Work with partners and schools to provide 25 safe, stigma-free access points of healthy food through our Children’s Food Programs. (FINAL: 28 access points)
  3. Ensure 100% of mothers who reach out to us have access to vital nutrition for their infants during the first year of their lives through our Infant Formula Program. (FINAL: 100% access, distributing equivalent of 2,490 bottles of infant formula in 2019)
  4. Rescue a minimum of 90,000 pounds of food through our Food Rescue Program to maximize community resources.   (FINAL: 86,035 pounds)


  1. Provide three weekly opportunities for participants to engage in community building Volunteer Activities creating a space for human connections and an opportunity for voices to be heard. (FINAL: More than 3 opportunities provided but main KITCHEN PILOT ceased due to lack of commercial kitchen space)
  2. Build community through food by engaging at least 200 community members at Bloom Community Farm and The Hope Garden for Volunteer for Veggies(FINAL: 209)
  3. Provide Garden Education to 250 community members to increase knowledge and self-resiliency skills. (FINAL: 420 community members)
  4. Offer Bloom Youth Project interns at least 16 life skills workshops. (FINAL: 19 workshops)
  5. Engage at least 200 youth and adults in fundamental Nutrition Education that will improve long-term health through nutritious, affordable eating.  (FINAL: 209 people)


  1. Form an Advisory Council of community members to ensure inclusive action on food system issues. (FINAL: 4 community members to date)

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